

If your doctor recommends surgery after a workplace injury, your employer’s workers’ compensation insurer should pay for it. However, the insurance company may deny payment for various reasons, and they are not always fair. Fortunately, a denied claim or rejected treatment isn’t necessarily the end. You have options and should…

Workers’ Comp Cover My Back Injury Surgery

Back injuries are among the most common and painful injuries people suffer at work. A severe injury can prevent you from moving or doing your job and take a long time to heal. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that over 128,000 U.S. workers sustained a back injury in one recent year,…


Many work injuries involve the knees and hips. Repairing these injuries often requires surgery before the employee can return to work. Under Georgia’s workers’ compensation laws, employees may be entitled to medical, rehabilitation, and income benefits to help during their recovery. At the Law Offices of William F. Underwood, III, P.C.,…

Workers’ Comp Claim

These benefits could be crucial to your recovery since they typically pay for medical treatment and a portion of your average weekly wage while you’re out of work. Even though your employer pays for worker’s compensation insurance to cover employees for these situations, you might feel conflicted about filing a…

Workers’ Compensation Was Injured While on Break

Injuries at work can happen anytime, including when employees are taking breaks. If you got hurt on the job during a break, you might wonder whether you are eligible for workers’ compensation in Georgia. The answer largely depends on when and where the incident occurs. Workers’ compensation is Georgia’s system…

When to Hire a Workers’ Comp Lawyer

No one goes to work expecting to get hurt, so feeling unsure of what to do after a workplace accident is natural. If you’ve got questions about how to pay the bills after a job injury in Georgia, it’s a good idea to consult an experienced workers’ comp lawyer for…

What If I'm at Fault for a Car Accident

Does the insurance company say you’re at fault for a car accident? You’re probably worried about what to do next, especially if you’re left with expensive medical bills and other losses. But don’t give up hope. Depending on the circumstances, you could still be entitled to compensation in Georgia.  On…

steps to be done in case of accidents

Most people have questions about how to recover fair compensation after an auto accident in Georgia. Holding the responsible party accountable after a crash usually means filing a personal injury claim or lawsuit. But how do you start? Here’s what you need to know.   What to Do After the Crash…