Albany Insurance Claim Lawyers

Albany Insurance lawyer

Suffering injuries in an accident can impact your physical abilities, emotional health, and financial security. As days and weeks pass by after an accident, many people are shocked at how expensive their injuries become. The economic impact of accident-related injuries can be felt by watching your medical bills mount and by suffering through protracted periods of work. These can lead to sleepless nights and psychological unrest, all of which make the physical pain feel even worse.

If your injuries came about due to someone else’s negligence, there’s a silver lining: you may recover compensation for your losses through a claim against the at-fault party’s insurance. But it’s not as straightforward as it should be, as insurers often find ways of undervaluing or denying valid claims. 

Working with an experienced insurance claim attorney at the Law Offices of William F. Underwood, III, P.C., can help you cut through the red tape. Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help you recover the full compensation you deserve.

The Role of the Personal Injury Attorney

Many injured individuals believe they are capable of handling their injury claims themselves. However, disappointment quickly sets in when they realize how many obstacles emerge at every step of the process. Without a thorough knowledge of Georgia personal injury law, filing a claim can be an exercise in frustration. Working with a personal injury attorney can demystify the process and help you understand your rights.

Insurance adjusters like to give you the impression that they care about you. But what they care about most is protecting the company’s profit margin. It is vital to have an advocate on your side who is genuinely concerned about your well-being and your future, not the insurer’s bottom line.

Understanding Insurance Company Tactics

Insurance adjusters employ several tactics to avoid giving injured people the compensation they deserve. 

Getting You to Admit Fault

After you have been in an accident, an insurance adjuster may phone you, framing it as a “courtesy call.” In reality, they are seeking a statement about the accident from you in the hopes that you say something they can use as an admission of fault. Even if you say the words “I’m sorry” at some point in the conversation, they may attempt to decontextualize what you say and use those words as evidence that you admitted you caused the accident. 

Arguing That Your Injuries Are Disconnected from the Accident

Insurance adjusters are trained to find ways of using evidence to cast doubt on the links between the accident and your injuries. For example, if you did not seek medical treatment immediately after a car crash, the insurer may argue that you injured yourself at a different time.

Claiming That You Were More Than 50 Percent at Fault

Georgia allows you to claim compensation even if you were partially at fault for a traffic accident. However, if you were 50 percent or more at fault, you are ineligible to file a claim. Insurance adjusters will often argue that injury victims bear most of the blame so they can avoid paying anything. 

Experienced insurance claim lawyers know how to counter these tactics so you can receive the full compensation you deserve.

Navigating Settlement Negotiations with Insurance Adjusters

Experienced personal injury attorneys are skilled negotiators who know how to advocate effectively for their clients. They understand insurance companies’ common negotiation tactics and can counter unreasonable settlement offers.

Having a lawyer intimately familiar with Georgia laws and case law strengthens your position tremendously during settlement talks. They can cite specific statutes and court decisions to justify why the compensation you are seeking is reasonable and necessary. Armed with knowledge, experience, and evidence, attorneys can give claimants vital bargaining chips when negotiating with insurers.

Building a Strong Case

After your initial consultation with an attorney, they will thoroughly investigate the accident to determine the identities of all at-fault parties. By gathering your medical documents, compiling evidence from the accident scene, and consulting with accident reconstructionists and medical experts, an experienced lawyer can build a solid case demonstrating why the accident led to your injuries and why the other party is liable. Having a strong case with plenty of evidence can give you the upper hand in negotiations and maximize your chances of receiving a fair settlement.

Settlement vs. Litigation

Sometimes, despite having a valid claim, the insurance adjuster will refuse to offer you the full compensation you deserve. In such cases, you may decide to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party. Having a skilled and knowledgeable personal injury attorney on your side at this point is crucial. A lawyer with significant litigation experience can help you feel confident that your lawsuit will succeed.

Maximizing Your Compensation

In most cases, an injury victim who works with an attorney may secure a more substantial payout than if they tried to file a claim alone. Experienced lawyers understand that strategies like thoroughly documenting medical costs and lost wages and applying the right calculations for pain and suffering can help plaintiffs demonstrate the full impact of the accident and injuries. As a result, insurers will find it more difficult to justify minimizing the settlement.

Furthermore, an adept personal injury lawyer helps clients avoid missteps during litigation or settlement negotiations that could negatively affect the potential value of their claim. Such mistakes happen far more frequently than you might imagine, and they can have a devastating impact on the ultimate outcome of your claim. By proactively avoiding these pitfalls, an experienced personal injury attorney can significantly improve the chances of receiving the fullest financial recovery possible in your case.

Contact Our Albany Insurance Lawyers Right Now

The aftermath of a painful accident can be overwhelming, but you do not need to feel alone. The award-winning legal team at the Law Offices of William F. Underwood, III, P.C., understands the challenges you are facing, and we want to help you make things right. Our compassionate attorneys will optimize your chances of receiving the recovery you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation with an experienced insurance attorney in Albany, GA.